The French Revolution started in the same year Halbertsma was born.
Many ideas of the French Revolution sounded quite similar to he OLB philosophy.
During the French Revolution the Linden/lime tree was important (celebrations, declarations)
At some point the revolutionaries wanted to install a new and improved "Supreme being" (ie., not the Biblical version).
They changed the names of days into names of trees. And guess what: the special day for the Supreme Being was a 'linden tree' day (it's actually just one day off; the day of celebration was named the "Pitchfork Day".... and that's the next day.
Halbertsma was in close contact with Napoleon's nephew, and even translated the Gospel according to Matthew into Frisian on the request of this nephew.
Louis Napoleon was loved by the Dutch despite all the odds, and he started his reign in 1806. He was nothing but an extension of the French Revolution.
From the OLB:
Then the false priests shall be swept away from the earth. Wr-alda’s spirit shall be invoked everywhere and always; the laws that Wr-alda in the beginning instilled into our consciences shall alone be listened to. There shall be neither princes, nor masters, nor rulers, except those chosen by the general voice. Then Frya shall rejoice, and the earth will only bestow her gifts on those who work. All this shall begin 4000 years after the submersion of Atland.
4000 years after Atland submerged: 1806 AD
Charles-Joseph de Graeve/Grave's "La Republique des Champs-Elysées ou Monde Ancien" was published in 1806, one year after his death.
De Grave situated "Atlantis" in the Netherlands / the Dutch province of Zeeland, Belgium Flanders & French Flanders / the delta of the river Schelde.
Further he concluded that these 'Atlantians' spoke Flemish and spread their culture from Zeeuws-Vlaanderen (southern part of the province of Zeeland) to the rest of Europe.
Last but not least, he mentions (and explains):
* Adel,
* Atland,
* Mino,
* Vesta,
* Geermnannen,
* Brackmannes (Brahmans),
* Wereldt - Woruld - Worulda,
* Kalten (the Chaldeans of Europe),
* Paris << Pharissi << Pharen/Phare : to navigate,
* Phryxus resembles Phrygian or Frisian, Circe's domain,
* the runes to be the first alphabetical letters in history,
* Minerva is a derivation of a word for memory, intelligence,
* the Menapians (a people closely related to the Frisii and speaking a closely related language) were ship builders...
(click on the link in the Link list in the sidebar)
Here is a quote from Volney's book ("Les Ruines", a book in Cornelis Over de Linden's library) :
XIII. Christianity, or the Allegorical Worship of the Sun,
under the cabalistical names of Chrish-en, or Christ, and
Ye-sus or Jesus.
"Finally, these traditions went so far as to mention even his astrological and mythological names, and inform us that he was called sometimes Chris, that is to say, preserver,149 {p.160} from that, ye Indians, you have made your god Chrish-en or Chrish-na; and, ye Greek and Western Christians, your Chris-tos, son of Mary, is the same; sometimes he is called Yes, by the union of three letters, which by their numerical value form the number 1,608, one of the solar periods.150 And this, Europeans, is the name which, with the Latin termination, is become your Yes-us or Jesus, the ancient and cabalistic name attributed to young Bacchus, the clandestine son (nocturnal) of the Virgin Minerva, who, in the history of his whole life, and even of his death, brings to mind the history of the god of the Christians, that is, of the star of day, of which they are each of them the emblems."
(btw: this is the English edition of 1882, but the original, French edition was published in 1791)
From the OLB:
Sin forme nôm wêre Jes-us, thach tha prestera thêr-im sêralik haeton hêton him Fo thaet is falx, thaet folk hête him Kris-en thaet is herder, aend sin Fryaske frjund hêta him Bûda, vmbe that hi in sin hâvad en skaet fon wisdom hêde aend in sin hirt en skaet fon ljavde.
His first name was Jes-us, but the priests, who hated him, called him Fo, that is, false; the people called him Kris-en, that is, shepherd; and his Frisian friend called him Buda, because he had in his head a treasure of wisdom, and in his heart a treasure of love.
The OLB "Fo" is pronounced exactly like the French "faux", and it means exactly the same: FALSE.
Did anyone read more in Volney's book, "Les Ruines"??
OK, some titbits:
The Lama was going on with his reading, when the Christians interrupted him, crying out that this was their own religion adulterated—that Fot was no other than Jesus himself disfigured, and that the Lamas were the Nestorians and the Manicheans disguised and bastardized.
. Of all the incarnations of this kind that God has hitherto taken, the greatest and most solemn was that in which he appeared thirty centuries ago in Kachemire, under the name of Fot or Beddou, to preach the doctrines of self-denial and self-annihilation."
Then, pursuing the history of Fot, the Lama continued:
"He was born from the right flank of a virgin of royal blood, who did not cease to be a virgin for having become a mother; that the king of the country, uneasy at his birth, wished to destroy him, and for this purpose ordered a massacre of all the males born at that period, that being saved by shepherds, Beddou lived in the desert till the age of thirty years, at which time he began his mission to enlighten men and cast out devils; that he performed a multitude of the most astonishing miracles; that he spent his life in fasting and severe penitence, and at his death, bequeathed to his disciples a book containing his doctrines."
The eastern writers in general agree in placing the birth
of Beddou 1027 years before Jesus Christ, which makes him
the contemporary of Zoroaster, with whom, in my opinion,
they confound him. It is certain that his doctrine
notoriously existed at that epoch; it is found entire in
that of Orpheus, Pythagoras, and the Indian gymnosophists.
But the gymnosophists are cited at the time of Alexander as
an ancient sect already divided into Brachmans and
And you will have seen that the Lama in Volney's book mentions Kashmere.
This is also about this "Jes-us", "Fo" or "Buda" according to the OLB:
Sixteen hundred years ago, Atland was submerged; and at that time something happened which nobody had reckoned upon. In the heart of Findasland, upon a mountain, lies a plain called Kasamyr (Cashmere) that is “rare.” There was a child born whose mother was the daughter of a king, and whose father was a high-priest.
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